Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Magic Figure of 23

I needed data on the number of operations for urinary stress incontinence we had performed in the previous year, I had a meeting scheduled with the Boss and had to have this figure ready. I asked the Professor looking after the OT to get me the data. He immediately assigned the job to his Assistant Professors. The day of the meeting arrived, but the data did not. I reminded the said Professor, and asked him to send the concerned Assistant Professor to me, so that I could explain how it was to be done.
"It is simple" I told that Assistant Professor. "We have monthly data submitted by each unit. So there will be 12 figures per unit in one year, or 72 figures for all six units. You just have to add those 72 figures, some of which could be zero too."
"OK" he said and started going away.
"Don't go away" I said. "Do it bow! I have the meeting this afternoon, and I am going to the OT. I cannot stay to see what happens."
"I will send the Registrar to do it" he said.
"I can see what will happen" I said. "The Registrar will send the Houseman, the Houseman will send the intern. The intern will sit in the canteen and generate the figure in his mind. He will report it is 23."
"No, Sir. The Registrar will do it."
When I got the data, it was not for all units, but only for that one unit. I called the concerned Professor and asked why such a simple task could not be accomplished. He sent the concerned Assistant Professor again, who me with the data after an hour or so. He had not added up the figures, but at least he had figures for all the six units.
"Why did you not get this in the beginning?" I asked him.
"I misunderstood" he said suavely.
"I was quite explicit" I said. I repeated my words of instruction. He just kept quiet.
"You had to get away from work in the outpatient clinic for this" I said. "Now I suppose you will go to canteen instead of going back to the outpatient clinic?" I knew I should not have said this, but I was really angry, and I said it without conscious thought.
"No, Sir" he smiled and turned to go away. I did not turn away myself, but stayed to see where he went. He did not go in the direction of the outpatient clinic, but went in the direction of the canteen as I had said. I shook my head and checked the data. The figures added up to exactly 23, as I had said at the start. I wondered if I had to get the data next time this tedious way, or I could just guess it equally accurately. I also wondered if I was developing a sixth sense, guessing data and future actions of people so accurately. Or was I just an old hand at this game, having seen everything that they would do?

प्रशंसा करायचीय, नावे ठेवायचीयेत, काही विचारायचय, किंवा करायला आणखी चांगले काही सुचत नाहीये, तर क्लिक करा.
