Sunday, August 22, 2010

Fundal Pressure

I was conducting interviews for appointment of Assistant Professors in my department. There were two other heads of departments from the other two institutes too. But since all the vacant posts were in my department, they wanted me to ask the questions. My questions were aimed to find out who were safe and who were not as far as patient management in emergency hours was concerned. One of the questions was related to fundal pressure given by doctors to help childbirth. We have a strong policy that prohibits fundal pressure. But we keep getting senior residents and Assistant Professors who have been trained in other institutes where fundal pressure is an approved method of management, even if the text books recommend against its use. My question was as follows. “We have a woman at term in labor. She cannot bear down enough and needs assistance. You have three options: forceps delivery, fundal pressure, and a combination of forceps plus fundal pressure. Which one will you prefer?” Candidates trained in our institute knew the right answer to be given, though they may not be practicing it. Those who knew me knew it was a trick question and answered carefully. But I made it a point to ask this question only to candidates not known to me. Some of them answered it correctly, a few said in addition that fundal pressure was dangerous and was not an option. One of them looked quite bright and enthusiastic. He declared he preferred fundal pressure. I did not ask him his reasons for it, but gave him the marks he deserved. I hope he reads my post and learns the right answer.

प्रशंसा करायचीय, नावे ठेवायचीयेत, काही विचारायचय, किंवा करायला आणखी चांगले काही सुचत नाहीये, तर क्लिक करा.
